How to – Qsignups

  • Open F3 Kings Den Slack.
  • Search for “qsignups” and select the app from the search results.
  • From here you’ll see a list of AOs with scheduled dates and times, current Qs and open slots.
  • To grab a Q slot:
    • Click the drop down from the top of the Qsignups app and select the AO you want to Q at.
    • Scroll and find the date and time you want to Q.
    • Click “Take Slot”
  • To edit the information on your Q:
    • Click the drop down from the top of the Qsignups app.
    • Find your scheduled Q and click “Edit” and “Edit” again.
    • Make changes as needed.
    • Select the Special Event Qualifier to designate this as a Birthday Q, Manniversary, or other special event.
  • To edit the information on your Q:
    • Click the drop down from the top of the Qsignups app.
    • Find your scheduled Q and click “Edit”.
    • Click “Take myself off this Q slot”.
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